Thursday, March 27, 2014

Auditory Learning Ideas

An auditory learner is someone who learns most effectively with the help of sound. This could be through their own voice or the voice of others. Most of us learn through a variety of methods. All methods benefit people to a different degree. 

If you have an auditory learner, or want to try auditory learning out, here are a few things that we have done that seem to work for us:

PVC Pipe Phones: Glue two elbow pieces of pvc pipe on both ends of a small pvc pipe that you cut to about 2 1/4 inches long. (You may want to measure to make sure this is the right size for your child). You want the pvc pipe phone to be in the shape of a phone. Hold one end to their ear and one end to their mouth.  Practice spelling words, reading, or studying.

Learning CDs: We are big fans of learning through music. Two cds that we love are: Jinglespells for spelling and Multiplication Mountain for math. Hap Palmer who does Multiplication Mountain has albums on lots of other subjects. Read more on how we use Multiplication Mountain in a multi-sensory way to learn math facts!

Voice Recorder: Every so often we break out the voice recorder and practice spelling words!  It beats calling them out every day and when you're busy and it's an effective way to practice as the child is participating in auditory learning. The recorder has become a popular item in our house! You can use a recorder to study other subjects,  record a book for a sibling, or study for a test! We bought this Digital Voice Recorder for under $30.

Reading out loud to your child: This is a great way to reinforce concepts. Plus, it's just fun! Here's a list of books that are great for learning concepts!

Videos: Videos are another way that auditory learners can learn! YouTube is an amazing place to find videos on a variety of subjects. Check out this site that lists a number of children's books that have been posted to YouTube!

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