If you have an auditory learner, or want to try auditory learning out, here are a few things that we have done that seem to work for us:
PVC Pipe Phones: Glue two elbow pieces of pvc pipe on both ends of a small pvc pipe that you cut to about 2 1/4 inches long. (You may want to measure to make sure this is the right size for your child). You want the pvc pipe phone to be in the shape of a phone. Hold one end to their ear and one end to their mouth. Practice spelling words, reading, or studying.
Learning CDs: We are big fans of learning through music. Two cds that we love are: Jinglespells for spelling and Multiplication Mountain
for math. Hap Palmer who does Multiplication Mountain has albums on lots of other subjects. Read more on how we use Multiplication Mountain in a multi-sensory way to learn math facts!

Reading out loud to your child: This is a great way to reinforce concepts. Plus, it's just fun! Here's a list of books that are great for learning concepts!
Videos: Videos are another way that auditory learners can learn! YouTube is an amazing place to find videos on a variety of subjects. Check out this site that lists a number of children's books that have been posted to YouTube!
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